Hi All. I have downloaded a couple of games from the net, and they are stores in a certain file on my PC. I can open, install and run the games, But to save space on my PC, I would like to copy them on to CD, I use adaptec, and can copy data or audio, But I do not know how to save the game to disc. i can try and send the unopened game file to the cdr drive, but it does not let me do that. can anyone tell me how I can save my games to cd in a 'save as' style, as you would a word document etc?!?!?.HELP PLEASE BEFORE I GO MAD
well im not really certain what software you are using , but you probbaly have a data cd option , do it that way it will work fine , unless the games are copy writted , in that case i suggest somthign likes cd mate, clony xxl with clone cd, or somthing like that , i swear by those for copying games