I hear Sony has scheduled an emergency meeting of the BluRay Disc Association (BDA) for tomorrow: APRIL 1st, 2008.
Well, HD-DVD may have met its demise, but Blu-Ray is not far off. Downloads will be getting bigger, but hard discs are not dead, even after Blu-Ray. If anyone wants to buy Blu-Ray, then go for it. But when people start buying OLD movies that they already own as replacements in the Blu-Ray format, then there is some stupidity. Blu-Ray is not a replacement medium like the DVD was for VHS tapes. There are way too many newer technologies already coming about that indicate clearly Blu-Ray will not survive too long.
I am a ps3 owner and enjoy Blu-Ray, but not as much as I enjoy HD downloads. IMO downloads are the future. MP3s are making CDs obsolete, and the same is probably going to happen with video. The only good thing about physical media is that you don't have to worry about accidentally deleting the file.