hi, since the clocks went forward my eurovox MAX V epg is now an hour out, it shows all programs as starting one hour earlier than they do ! i.e. corrie to start at 18.30 instead of 19.30. have set the clock but the epg is still wrong. any ideas greatly accepted. thanks.
"menu - config - time settings Change GMT Usage to ON - Time Zone GMT+1." this is already set for me...time still wrong i was an hour ahead all last year.i was hoping that the clock change would get me right again, but no now im an hour behide. have tried setting the time manual, but when i reset the power the next day its out of wack again
Hi, Are you switching the power of at the mains? if so it has been known that the time settings do go wonky, just like digital alarm clocks do. Try just keep your box on standby at night it doesnt really burn that much power anyway. If you are putting your box on standby only at night without switching power off and you find the issue is still happening let us all know again and we will look into it a bit further. KMAC.
tried the time change m8, but it's still out. this is doing my head in cos the epg doesn't show whats on a channel at the time you're watching. also now my codes won't update, any other ideas ? thanks in advance.
just noticed a time issue with my posts as well, it's actually 22 :10 as I type.......is it just me ?
check your coaxil cable is securely fixed into the rf in on the box also check your scart lead is secure and fixed to tv on box and see are your normal channels working on your tv(without using the box) as there could be a cable problem in your area also for the clock try this courtesy of celt71 but if you unplug your box it will revert back. 1. Set time using GMT. 2. Go to installation, user installation. 3. Press red button to preform an autoscan. 4. When autoscan completes, IMMEDIATELY go to time settings again. 5. Make sure time is still correct. 6. Turn GMT off. 7. Press blue button to save and exit.
Hi, I thought it was just me being stupid but in fact it's not! I'm having the exact same problem as sonico3. I've tried Celt71's cure and this does correct the time of the box however the epg is still outta whack by an hour (ie at 6.10 when the news is on ITV the EPG says Emmerdale is on. It's a right royal pain in the......erm backside, I thought the new Beta3 would have cured this but sadly it's only wishful thinking.
well the codes have updated at last....but the epg is still 1 hour out, thanks for all the advice but it looks like we'll have to tough it out til the clocks go back again...LOL
will the auto scan take ages like the powerscan ? and will it jumble up all my channels ? took me ages to getthem in order after the powerscan.
no you dont lose your channel order dont panic when the screen goes blank,it takes only a couple of minutes.