I Hate I tunes. Thought winamp might be the ticket but it wont play mp4 video files (Just the audio). Tried media monkey but didnt have video support. any suggetions?
Media Monkey does have a "Download more plug ins" link in the options under output plug ins. I downloaded winamp vid plugin and installed it to MMs plugin folder. Now I sorta have video support. It's knida screwy. 2 vid windows pop up. only 1 has video and you can resize the window but the video stays the same. when you resize the other window w/o the video, the video in the 1st window follows suit.
I have a 4 G nano and I am an old timer. I got no room for videos and the screen is too small for me. For these reasons I never checked the vidio plug in. You can still use Quicktime to view the movie. There are plenty of other viewers for little or no money. What I hate the most about itunes is it down grades audio quality to 128 BR. The ipod can actually deliver Hi Fidelity music but you need HiFi ear buds and high HiFi tunes. However, if you use itunes to sync it will down-grade mp3s to 128 BR m4as . I see that as an attack on my music.
I really only want to be able to transfer back and forth. I'm really not all interested in watching small movies when I have the originals.