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Reading guides offline - how?

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by Noel, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. Noel

    Noel Guest

    Is there a way to save the guides so that I can read and use them offline? (I have a slow and expensive connection that I cannot have on all the time.) When I try the file/save as... feature in IE6, all that happens is a message that says "Error saving webpage" "The Web page could not be saved to the selected location". This message is the same regardless of where I try to save to. Is this an afterdawn feature to stop the page saving? Thanks.
  2. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    hi ya noel, how about trying this.Highlite the text then copy and paste it into a new text document.Close the document but make sure you select save.I just tried it and it worked but unfortunately it didnt save the pics.

    Maybe this might start you off


  3. Noel

    Noel Guest

    Thanks, but tried that already. I would really like the pictures as it is hard to figure some things out without them.

    I guess I should have read the terms first Number 1: "All material presented on these pages is property of the company unless otherwise mentioned. The content can be only copied, partly or in full, with a written agreement from the company."

    Looks pretty much like that answers it unless Afterdawn or someone else comes up with something else.

  4. Noel

    Noel Guest

    Another way if you haven't got a printer, (which I havn't) you can print to a file (produces a .prn file) and then go to site http://relic.geo.uu.nl which converts the .prn into a PDF file to look at later. Seems a real long way to go about it though. Plus you finish up down and uploading the same thing 3 times.

    There has got to be a better way to save time and connection fees.

    There are some good guides at www.doom9.org which can be saved for offline viewing but he has so many links to additional pages they are a real headache to negotiate and get them all. Can we just have someone with one page only please?
  5. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    hi noel, just got my usb printer back.
    After hooking it back up i just pressed print on the tool bar and everything gets printed

    however i am also running acrobat 6 and i noticed that if i ran my mouse on the picture and right clicked i could print just the picture on to A4 or save it as a pdf file

    i hope this helps but i dont print the guides as they are pretty easy to follow
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2004
  6. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    We've thought about offering a print-this-guide facility for our registered members and most likely will implement that in near future. The reasons why the pages are split to multiple pages include:

    -this site is supported by advertisements and more pages users load, more advertisements get viewed, thus making more income for the site to pay the hosting bills.

    -many users think that it is easier to follow the guides when they're split logically to separate pages.

    -It's 2004, most people have a fixed-price (and in most cases, broadband) connection that they have always open, so browsing the guides while implementing their procedures is not a problem for most users.
  7. fehrion

    fehrion Guest

    I'm not sure if it is correct or not to mention other sites but I have downloaded guides using the method first suggested in this thread from another site. The site was http://www.dvdrhelp.com/

    Hope I haven't offended anyone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2004
  8. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    Of course you can copy and paste the guides or do whatever method you prefer to print the pages. Only thing that I'm saying is that we'll provide a feature in near future to print out the pages without any clutter on them, such as the menus, etc and all the guide material on one page. Printing web pages is one of those things that should be protected by Constitution :)
  9. Noel

    Noel Guest

    That would be very nice to print (except I have no printer) but just to save to hard drive would be nice. The older style afterdawn site was able to save to drive no problem.

    By the way, many thanks for all your hard work and dedication to helping everyone.
  10. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    I don't know why IE can't save the pages anymore, but I recommend you try it with Mozilla, I bet it works.
  11. fehrion

    fehrion Guest

    I use IE6 and it downloads the guides as web pages.

    I just tried it now on this site and it works perfectly putting a copy of the page on my hard drive and all the relevant graphic files in their own directory.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2004
  12. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Confirm that, IE does save the pages. :) Of course I favor Acrobat. :)

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