I don't even know where to begin. Need an HDTV capture solution.

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by params7, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. params7

    params7 Member

    Jan 10, 2005
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    I need a solution to capture HD video (720p) off my Samsung 26" LCD TV.
    Videos I would capture would be the PS3 connected to the TV via HDMI.

    Only thing is, I cannot spend anymore than 60$ to help me get this done.
    I know there are two types of dvd recorders, DVR and the one that write onto disks, I would appreciate any recommendations in or near my spending limit.

  2. F4HAD

    F4HAD Guest

    Well mate, if your talking HDTV, your going to have to spend AT LEAST $130
    Recording onto dvd-5's or even dvd-9's is not efficient enough for HDTV, put it this way, a 720p video of 20mins long would take up an entire dvd-5 disk
    Also, it is very rare to find a hd dvd recorder that records to disk only
    You can buy a media recorder, which will record anything of upto 1080i (including 720p), to a hard drive, it is also very small in size, it also plays ANY type of video/audio/picture file, and can be used as an external hard drive to your pc too, but the problem is, it has no features for recording or playing from disk.
    These can be purchased from ebay:

    But, if you want all this including disk capabilities, then buy the Sony RDR-HXD860, it wont let you down


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