I have a family member going thorough a messy divorce. His wife has attempted to delete everything she wants to hide. I need to recover this information. Any Ideas? Would a sys restore back 2 weeks possibly work or can you think of some software? I would also like to monitor everything that she does on the computer! Sooner the better! Thanks in advance Eric
did she you use a shredding tool with a 7 pass system? if so recovering them maybe very difficult! ---------------------- did she reformat the hard drive completely? did she use a 7 pass system(NSA/NOD)? ----------------- otherwise if she just used a normal windows delete (dragged into recycling bin) it isn't to hard to recover those documents http://avira-unerase-personal.avira-gmbh.qarchive.org/ if you have any problems using any of those products please ask -tripplite
Yeah an undelete program can easily recover pretty much everything that was deleted in the normal way, even if the recycle bin was emptied quite some time ago. Get to it!