my mate did a flash now what do i do can sum 1 please help me. what do i do to get the channels up please please help i am new to this site and not really a computer person so, can u please explain simply
istallation choose your prov then automatic scan when channels found exit back to blank screen then press menu into next menu go down turn emu on exit back to blank screen it should update if it dosent or you dont find chann get back to me
ok thanks i will try this in the morning as it is my sisters , thank you for being helpfull , i will send a mess 2moro 2 let u no if it worked and also how do i get to the provider , and also after a flash the box does it factory reset or what , sorry for being dumb but all this typing and flash ,codes its all Very New to me.
yes your mate could have uploaded it to a pc and then you could have put it back on not to worry there handy enough and in menu istallation press ok down to manual scan press ok if your telepest i think symbol rate should be 6.952
thaks i will let u no today at noon or when i get a chance. this site is very good for friendly info and i hope u keep up the good work thank u fro a person who is learning quick from this site
ok thanks i will try if not then i may have 2 aks from start 2 finish how 2 do it ,sorry for bieng a pain but please when u get time then can u reply back and am i allowed 2 give my E-MAIL SO THAT U CAN SEND ME THE DETRAILS .My nbox Starview original west midlands Yardley,prov is t-w t 5a 01 , thanks