Hi everyone. I'm kind of stuck with something. I have a computer that had Windows XP on it but Windows got corrupted and crashed, luckly, most of the other files seem to be ok. I took the hard drive out of the computer it was in and put it in an external enclosure so I could hook it to another working computer with XP on it. Well, I went into Documents and Settings/my account on the external drive and it gave me an Access Denied error. Now I'm pretty sure that this is because I had a password on that account and the XP on the other computer locked that folder. But now I need a way to get in it. I saw somewhere that I could go to the folder properties and go to the security tab and switch the ownership... just one problem... There is no security tab. Only General, Share, and Customize. The computer that's working is running XP Home. I tried to open it on another computer that had XP Media Center edition on it. Is this security tab only availible in XP Pro? Please help. I really need to get a hold of those files. Thanks in advance. -DTron-
Try the unlocker, it removes locking handles and overrides securoity permissions. http://www.download.com/Unlocker/3000-2248_4-10493998.html