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GCOS Softmod question

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by alf717, May 5, 2008.

  1. alf717

    alf717 Member

    Jan 22, 2006
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    I was wondering if GCOS has the ability to force progressive scan on games that do not support this option by default. Also what is the best version of GCOS? There seems to be a couple of version floating around but the GCOS website is no longer active.
  2. susieqbbb

    susieqbbb Guest

    Here is the problem.

    There are Two versions of gamecube's

    Version 1 has a digital port and the standard av audio and video port.

    Version 2 has only the analog standard av audio and video port so even if you get a game that supports progressive scan you cannot use it without the digital port on the gamecube and the 80.00 digital cable made by nintendo

    So forcing it isn't the question or the answer if you do not have the Digital port you cannot use progressive scan only gamecubes with the digital cable and the digital port on the back of the gamecube can use the progressive scan mode.

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