Yeah I heard about these new plug-ins for burning .SHN and .FLAC files directly to audio cd with NERO, so I go to grab 'em, but I need a newer version, so I get the copy of 6.3.02, then while going through the set-up, this window pops up and the whole set-up just stops, anyway here's the message Incorrect Command Line Parameters Windows Installer V.200.2600.0 anyone know how I can get this app on my computer and working? tIA ben
Why do you need the .SHN and .FLAC audio plug-ins? Is it possible you installed them in the wrong directory? Shoey
oh sorry I didn't make this clear, the problem is with installing the nero app, not the plug-ins. Once i get the app up and running i'll worry about those.
Uninstall Nero>right click drive C:>properties>tools>error checking>check now>enable automatically fix file system errors>enable scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors>reboot. Now install ASPI>reboot>install Nero. ASPI: Shoey