I just bought a computer that comes with no Operating System. And before i received it i was just wondering if someone could tell me what is needed to do to install the OS on it? I am going to just install XP on it because i have the discs for XP for my current PC. Will i be able to install XP with those discs? Thanks
if your xp disks are recovery disks then no you can't use them as they are setup for your current pc not the laptop. that is not a new laptop as it does not have an os loaded on. did you get any disks at all with it?
Well i have recovery discs and i have Windows XP disc which i would be saying is a OS disc?? And neither of them are laptops.
then start installing it. what is the make & model# of the pc or motherboard to see what drivers you'll need if xp can't find or load it's own?
Ok i just recived the PC but for some reason when i plug the screen in it nothing coming up on the screen!
also see if has 2 video connectors, 1 on the motherboard & 1 on a card because if do have 2 & is plugged into onboard videocard then won't see anything on screen.
ddp I keep a couple of old pci graphics cards hanging around. I have seen some mobos which lack onboard graphics where the bios default out of the box is boot graphics from pci not agp
unplug everything off the mobo.. ide cables and drive cables and boot again.. if still nothing happens then pull out all but the graphics card (if fitted) still nothing? take the graphics card out.. still nothing take the ram out.. If at any stage you start getting either one beep (later) or lots of beeps (count them and post with the code.. or google your mobo bios beep codes) 1 beep means the system has passed post (power on self test).. whatever you unplugged last needs further investigation... Just one note.. If the HDD light comes on and stays on all the time you usually will find an incorrect jumper setting causing a conflict. That will cause a blank screen and no beeps.
First of all what is a mobo? I have pulled out the graphics card put it back in.. still nothing. So you want me to take the ram out and try boot it with no ram in? and same with graphics card? And there is a light on in the PC that is just staying on??
the motherboard is what the ram, videocard & drive data cables are connected to. is that a 2nd hand system as i would take it back to get replace or your money back?
ok i got what ide cables are cd/dvd cables i will try exacly what varnull said now and let you know what happens.