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Aspect ratio problem with a Toshiba SD-6100

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by tbates99, May 27, 2008.

  1. tbates99

    tbates99 Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Hi, all. I recently purchased both a Toshiba 47HL167 LCD as well as a Toshiba SD6100 upconverting DVD player.

    I'm having trouble displaying movies in their proper aspect ratio, even despite the tv's multiple "pic size" options. Wondering if any of you have advice.

    As an example, I am right now trying to watch "Brazil." The movie was shot in 1.85:1, so it should fill up the screen, for the most part. Instead, the image is being squished as if it were supposed to be displayed in 2.35:1. That is, I have black bars on the top and bottom and the image is distorted (people are shorter/fatter than they should be).

    The tv, as I mentioned, has several pic size options and I've tried them all many times, believe me. The DVD player has options in its setup menu like aspect ratio and view mode (those are set to 16:9, and original, respectively) but changing them has no effect on how the image is displayed. I should also note that the tv and dvd player are connected via HDMI.

    One other thing. My trusty old Philips DVP642 SD DVD player plays the DVD in the correct aspect ratio. It's just in SD, which is sad on the 47''. This is why I'm posting in the DVD forum--I think it's the 6100's fault.

    Anybody have any insight? Thanks in advance for whatever help you can give.
  2. davexnet

    davexnet Active member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    Is the DVD of Brazil "enhanced for widescren TV's" (anamorphic)
    as the sometimes call it ?

    Does it make any difference when you set the DVD player to 16:9 Vs.
    4:3 ? If not, perhaps the disk is *not* WS enhanced?
  3. tbates99

    tbates99 Member

    May 27, 2008
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    Yes, I believe Brazil is enhanced. And that was just an example--I have a hard time getting other DVDs to display properly as well.

    And, no, it doesn't make any difference what the DVD player settings are. I've tried cycling through them all, and they literally have no effect on anything.
  4. davexnet

    davexnet Active member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    It may be some peculiar to the models.
    Since they're both Toshiba, give Toshiba support a call.

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