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Converting Iso to Xvid or Divx with FairUse Wizard

Discussion in 'DivX / XviD' started by stibi, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. stibi

    stibi Regular member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    I wanted to add subtitles to some DVDs that I have on my hard disk (mostly in ISO format), however - since I saw that this would be quite complicated (at least for me)- I thought if I convert those DVDs with FairUse Wizard to Xvid or Divx, the resulting files would have the AVI extention; and adding subtitles to AVI files is quite simple with VirtualDub. In connection with the above I have 2 questions: 1)What should I do - in the process of such conversion with FairUse Wizard - in order to cause the video quality of the resulting AVI file to be as close as possible to the original ISO file; and 2) Since during the process of adding subtitles with VirtualDub one should compress the AVI file - what should I do in order to select the smalest possible compression.
    Thanks in advance
  2. davexnet

    davexnet Active member

    Jul 7, 2003
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    If you have divx/xvid avi files, something like Divx Mux GUI
    can add subs to the file without reencoding.

    Virtualdub works fine, but a reencode is necessary.

    It's hard to answer your question definitively because you didn't state
    the intended use of said avi's. Leaving them on the computer to view,
    Vs. playing them on a DivX-ready standalone player brings up
    different considerations.

    What does this mean (quote) "what should I do in order to select the smalest possible compression"
  3. stibi

    stibi Regular member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Hi davexnet and thanks.
    Actually, what I would really like to do is to add subtitles to movies I have on my hard disk in ISO format and some in VOB format. However, judging from the stuff I've seen on the WEB on that subject, it seems to me quite complicated - anyway much more complicated than "embeding" subtitles (i.e adding permanent subtitles) to AVI files with VirtualDub. Of course, I could overcome that problem by converting the ISO or VOb files to AVI, and then embedding subtitles into the AVI using VirtualDub. This would, however, mean loosing a lot from the video quality of the DVD. Therefore, I am looking for a way of converting the ISO or VOB files with minimal loss of it's video quality. Now - assuming (perhaps mistakenly) that the extention of a "divxed" file is AVI - I wanted to know whether (and how) is it possible to convert an ISO or VOB file to Divx in such a way that the video quality of the resulting file would be significantly better than of an AVI got from "normally" converting the ISO or VOB to AVI(i.e. without divx). Further - since I know that after the process of embedding subtitles to an AVI through VirtualDub and before pressing on "Save as AVI" one should compress the AVI - I am looking for a way for minimally compressing it.
    Thanks in advance


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