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Teenage gangsters

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by F4HAD, Jun 6, 2008.

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  1. F4HAD

    F4HAD Guest

    Doesnt it annoy you when you young teenagers acting like criminals, it is so annoying, to see such young people destryoing their lives, I wish I coul explain to them that they are messing up on their biggest oppurtunity in life - SCHOOL
    Some adults would pay their entire life savings to repeat school, im sure, but if you try to tell thse kids this, they'd laugh in your face. One of the worst things is seeing them "mc'ing", and having recordings of their "mc'ing" on phones.
  2. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Sounds like hate to me. Maybe you should focus more on yourself and not other people.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2008
  3. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    That's just the fad of the day. Thugs in the media have taught that crime is to be embraced and is a great way to get money without actually working hard and honestly, ethics which (ironically) many lower-income members of society seem to think are foolish. And to Hell with social responsibility, these same people think. Wanting handouts and to be given whatever they want, no matter how unnecessary or luxurious, while not paying taxes and hating on the police who are only trying to prevent other people from stealing the handouts they get...oh wait, many of these people also stole that stuff. They think they're hard like the effects of Viagra when they gang up on people or pull weapons on unarmed people. It takes a real man to talk things out or only use his fists. They're just weak, and will hopefully die before the have a herd of illegitimate offspring.

    This is society, goodswipe, and we're all part of it. Just paying attention to our own wants and needs while being unconcerned for the good of others is what has country many a nation into some sad states.

    A lot of it stems from a lack of effective parenting or the teaching of social responsibility in schools. As free citizens under a rather non-oppressive government, we are charged with being responsible and self-regulating citizens. People aren't doing their jobs, however, and as such stronger government forces are primed to step in through the erosions of our personal rights and liberties. People get lazy and stupid, other people have to do their thinking for them, and we get a downwards spiral.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2008
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