I've found all the ridiculous posts that pertain to this phone total BS thus far. All are throwing around all these *XXXX*XXX BS to type in and nothing works. So I want to know if anyone knows the foolproof way of unlocking this T-mobile phone without the use of cables,sending the phone in, or calling T-Mobile? If you need the phones IMEI number to unlock it I can provide it if you email me. Before you trolls out their shoot off about stolen phones etc.. Yes it probably is stolen and or confiscated being I got it quite some time ago from a local police auction. Thus I came by it legitimately. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help and or point me in the right direction.
I have the same problem with my E315, E316, E317 when trying to use code to unlock them. After a lot of stupid mistakes from stupid code I finally knew that there is no way to unlock this phone by using code except for using unlock serial cable with a lot of free software out there like winimei, samsung unlocker.... The cost of the cable about $15.00 from ebay or google it to find someone selling it. If you really do not need to unlock that bad, don't bother. The unlock e315, e316, e317 now about $15.00 from ebay. Why you have to spend money to unlock it. Good luck