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dvd/vcr combo will not play newer dvds

Discussion in 'DVD-VCR combos' started by ms_twana, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. ms_twana

    ms_twana Member

    May 26, 2004
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    Hello. I couple of months ago. I rented a dvd and my dvd/vcr combo kept ejecting it. I returned it to HV for another copy of the movie, and the sales clerk asked me if I had a dvd/vcr combo. When I told him yes, he said that for some reason they won't play the newer dvds and that I may have to buy another dvd player. He said I might as well purchase a blu-ray one. Since then, my dvd player has ejected several movies that I've tried to watch. I've had to use my playstation 2. After my kids broke that, I have to use their TMNT dvd player. Is there anything I can do to fix this?? I DO NOT want to have to buy another dvd player. And I definitely can not afford a blu-ray player. Please help!!!
  2. engage16

    engage16 Regular member

    Jul 17, 2005
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    I've never heard of a combo player not being able to play a dvd. Other than with a bad pressing or when it has so much antipiracy coding on it that is virtually unplayable to begin with...

    I wouldn't buy into a BluRay just yet... Goto WalMart or a similar store and you can buy a new cheap $30 dvd player...
  3. hrdwrker

    hrdwrker Member

    Jul 13, 2008
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    oh my what a scam. I have a combo and no way does it do that. Mine is a liteon. I play all sorts of vhs and dvd's without incident. There might be something wrong with your unit. I would contact the manufacturer before the warrenty runs out.

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