i have windows vista ultimate when i start up my computer i get this Code: BOOTMGR is missing PRESS Ctrl + Alt + Del anyone know how to fix this i know i have never seen this error
GeneralP, Hi, not sure how it is you came across this message; bad install or new hardware upgrade or dual boot? But I did run into something that may or may not be helpful. I haven't seen this either. The first thing I saw was at a Microsoft discussion group here: http://www.microsoft.com/communitie...&pt=&catlist=&dglist=&ptlist=&exp=&sloc=en-us There were a couple of links within that group that looked promising, here: http://lifehacker.com/software/troubleshooting/vista-tip--repair-bootmgr-is-missing-error-251733.php and http://thevistaforums.com/index.php?autocom=ineo&showarticle=32 So good luck and let us know if it helps.
You might want to run a "chckdsk c:/f" command on your system partition. If you had an abnormal shutdown prior to this problem, your system files might have got corrupted. If that doesn't work to the following to repair your bootloader. http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Recovering+the+Vista+Bootloader+from+the+DVD
thanks for all your help but idk what the problem was im thinking my hard drive came unplugged or something fixed it: i unplugged it and then plugged it back in and it booted up fine. but this error keeps happening ill try and replace the hard drive cable or something thanks again everyone