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FTP xbox to pc problem

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by jarradb, Jun 22, 2008.

  1. jarradb

    jarradb Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    Hey everyone,
    I am having trouble with connecting my xbox to my pc. Ive read the forums that explain how to do it and followed it word for word but i am still having a problem.
    I have connected the xbox directly to the pc via an ethernet cable, set the xbox to static and made the ip address, subnet, default gateway and DNS 1 and 2 are and respectively.
    My pc ip address is, subnet, default gateway and DNS 1 and 2 are and respectively as well.
    I open up flashfxp and click the lightning bolt to quick connect. In there i type in the server or url, and xbox for the username and password which is correct.
    I then click connect and for about 1 second it says connecting, then it says that it has connected for about another second and then it says connection failed (connection lost).
    I have tried mixing up the ip addresses a bit but i always come up with the same result.
    Does anyone think they know what the problem is and how to fix it? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Drop the dns settings, and the default gateway setting on the pc. Then reboot both. That should do it.
  3. jarradb

    jarradb Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    Well i gave up on the direct connection so i am now trying it through a router. I have hooked it all up correctly and am having basically the exact same problem as last time except it says that i am connected for about 10 seconds, while the mouse is an hour glass, and then it says connection lost.
    I have turned static ip off and rebooted the xbox to see that it is DCHP and the ip address is and then opened up flashfxp on my pc and typed in that address and the username and password xbox. So as far as i can see ive followed the tutorials correctly but am stil coming unstuck somewhere.
    Could anyone please help?
  4. varnull

    varnull Guest

    So the xbox dash displays the ip on screen.. that's good. Now you probably need to make an exception for flashfxp in the windows firewall.. and make double sure that FTP is enabled in the xbox dash..
    I always had trouble with the cracked versions of flash so I went and used filezilla instead which didn't seem to have the same problems.

    Try pinging the xbox ip and see what happens.
  5. jarradb

    jarradb Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    no sorry the xbox dash displays the ip as and when i go into system setup > unleashx settings > network it also says the current ip is but then below DHCP it tells me that ip address is
    I have made an exception for flashfxp in the pc firewall and ftp is enabled in the settings on my xbox. So perhaps its my cracked version of flashfxp thats killing me although I tried pinging to the xbox ip but it timed out..
    Sorry if im confusing you, but im just really stuck!! lol
  6. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Your xbox isn't connecting to your router. Check network settings in the dash carefully. Look for thinks like "skip setup on no connect=no" and dchp=enabled.. static=no etc.

    Once those look right, and you have remembered to save and exit the settings.. not just exit.. reboot and see if it conects to the router..
    If it still doesn't work we will need to look more closely at what is happening to the connection between the router (it iS a router I assume, not just a passive switch) and the xbox..
    You can ping the router from the pc? and that connects in/out as it should with dhcp working normally?

    Suspects are the cable or possibly the xbox ethernet hardware.. they do fail sometimes.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2008
  7. jarradb

    jarradb Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    wooohooooo!! :)
    its working!
    i changed a couple different settings in there so im not exactly sure which one it was that let it work lol. I think it was that enable was set to no instead of yes. Even though in the guides it says to set it as no. Ahwell either way it is working now :)
    thanks heaps for your help!!
  8. jarradb

    jarradb Member

    Jun 1, 2004
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    alright well now i have a new problem lol, well not actually a problem just something i would like to know how to do.
    The reason i set up the ftp between my pc and xbox is so that i can listen to music and watch movies and video clips on my tv that are stored on my pc. I am able to do this through the media player that is installed on my modded xbox but i would like to know if theres any other media players that i can instal on it because this one does not let me make playlists of videoclips so at the moment i have to open a new videoclip everytime one finishes..
    So in other words i would like to know how to instal a media player on my xbox that lets you create videoclip playlists.
    Any input is appreciated :)
  9. puffdank

    puffdank Member

    May 31, 2004
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    Create the playlists on your pc?

    I'm not to familiar w/ xbmc , but I know the one I have can't make playlists either...at least to my knowledge..and its only a month old.

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