hey all, i have a Geforce 4 TI4600 card, (with VIVO), i want to plug my PS2 into the vide in, now, the question is, which application to use, the given one is winproducer and its for editing, i need one with full screen option, plz help me, motoman
you didn't say if you needed to do any recording or if you just need full screen input monitoring but one of the best for doing both is Intervideo WinDVR 3. if you are not doing recording WinDVR is a bit overkill, but it is easy to use (especially if you already have WinDVD DVD player). WinDVR only records MPEG1 and 2, so keep that in mind, but it also has a still frame capture that might be cool to use with PS2 input... good luck