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FTP Help

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by Spedz, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. Spedz

    Spedz Member

    Jul 4, 2008
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    Sorry for yet ANOTHER FTP help thread.. But I've tried everything that is said in the tutorials etc.. And I still can't connect :(

    I'm connecting with xbox -> router (Standard network cable)
    I have turned static IP off.. and it has given my xbox the address of '' and the subnet being '' and the default gateway is ''

    This appears to be fine? As my PC's ip is ''

    I try to connect with FlashFXP but just get:

    [R] Connecting to My Xbox -> IP= PORT=21
    [R] Connected to My Xbox
    [R] 220 Please enter your login name now.
    [R] USER xbox
    [R] 331 Password required for xbox.
    [R] PASS (hidden)
    [R] 230 User xbox logged in , proceed.
    [R] SYST
    [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
    [R] FEAT
    [R] 502 feat is not implemented.
    [R] REST 100
    [R] 502 rest is not implemented.
    [R] This site may not allow file resuming
    [R] PWD
    [R] 257 "/" is current directory
    [R] TYPE A
    [R] 200 Type set to ASCII.
    [R] Listening on PORT: 1191, Waiting for connection.
    [R] PORT 192,168,0,198,4,167
    [R] 425 Can't open data connection to
    [R] List Error

    I was given the xbox by a friend.. And so have no idea how to access the FTP etc, and he has put EvolutionX on it, with Halo 2 (One reason I'm trying to access the FTP; to delete it)
    I don't have any firewalls/anti-viruses running to prevent any access :S

    Please.. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? :(
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Your flashfxp is playing up. There is a setting somewhere deep down that allows passive mode, then there is some loopback problem where it is trying and failing to connect to itself??.. try a free one like filezilla.

    the rest of the network is working fine.. but why are you setting static with a router? DHCP is much easier.

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