I have been converting some DVDs to DivX and so far the quality has been excellent. I have mostly been sticking to the guides found on this site. However, I occasionally find that I get white speckles in the final avi file encoded using DivX, and ideas/solutions please. It usually occurs when encoding dark images. I'm using smartripper DVD2AVI VFAPIConv VirtualDub & DivX511Bundle Many thanks
Could it be you have activated the noise playback function for the divx decoder? Check the divx decoder settings before you play the video (Somewhere in start menu.) Or else you may have created the divx with some noise on it. I think it might be a feature in the encoder settings?
I did some searching and playing with this and found the problem can be solved by changing DVD2AVI iDCT algorithm to 64bit floating point. Hope this is useful to anybody else out there with the same problem.