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Please Help: Converting a ps2 save file from NTSC to PAL

Discussion in 'Nintendo Gamecube - General discussion' started by Kevt91, Jul 19, 2008.

  1. Kevt91

    Kevt91 Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    I have read a similar topic to this one, on the website, however it didn't solve the problems that i have encountered.

    I want to convert an NTSC Monster Hunter save file from GameFAQs so that i can play it on my pcsx2, on my computer. Note: Everything is absolutely legal since i own a ps2 and i own the monster hunter game.

    Could someone please give me an explanation of how i can achieve this, or other wise obtain the file from here, convert it and send the converted file to me via my email.

    The file i want to convert is from here:

    And my email is here:

    Thanks for your concerns
  2. Kevinhhh

    Kevinhhh Guest

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