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PS3 Embedded media players, one looks better than the other on same source material

Discussion in 'Blu-ray players' started by nsta, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. nsta

    nsta Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    Hey guys, i got a weird issue i want to sort out....

    Basically, i have a bd disk of pirates 3, and an untouched rip of it on external HDD.....

    now when i playback the BD Disk it plays using the embedded ps3 blu ray player (you can tell as the menu is totally different, as are the Av settings).....

    When i play the untouched rip, it uses the other embedded media player for ps3, which has different av settings again, i think this is the dvd player for the ps3?....

    Anyway, i find it weird that my rip looks better than the original (even though they are identical), they are just using different software to playback....it seems the non blu ray embedded media player for the ps3 has a better picture to it (color wise), and is slightly more detailed???

    Anyone else had this issue....very easy test is to rip a bd disk untouched, and run the .m2ts file which will playback using the dvd player, and then playback the bd disk, which will use the bd software for ps3....

    Thanks in response.
  2. odin24

    odin24 Regular member

    May 4, 2007
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    It might be your eyes playing tricks on you. The BD/DVD player uses the same laser to read either format (DVD/BD).

    When you stream/copy an m2ts file to the HDD the only audio stream that can play I believe is AC3, if you have the disc in it will play PCM, DTS, or AC3.
  3. nsta

    nsta Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    Thanks ODIN, can you please respond to my response on the big stickied Blu-Ray/HD-DVD conversion thread.....
  4. nsta

    nsta Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    I want to think its my eyes, but i doubt it is, im pretty sure both players are different in the way it handles video, the av settings are different for both players, one plays in 1080p/24 the other can't, one lets you choose between RGB full/limited and Ybccr/Superwhite etc.....

    All i want is my blu ray settings to be identical to my dvd player settings...both embedded players look identical in detail, but slightly different with color....blu ray doesnt look as vibrant, lacks depth...


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