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Xbox HDD dying... maybe?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by tlynch, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. tlynch

    tlynch Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    I'm not sure if my xbox HD is dying or whats going on here, but let me explain.

    My friend and I both have softmodded xboxs, I tried to backup a game onto my HD and run it, and it wouldn't work from the HD. So then I tried to run the game right from the disk, and it didn't work... so I was obviously frustrated and thought my game was now a coaster, but for the heck of it I tried it in my friends xbox, and it ran just fine. So I backed it up onto the HD and ran it from there, and it worked just fine. We both have the same firmware (different harddrives, don't know models off the top of my head) and running the same UnleashX dash.

    So, I thought maybe its my dvd drive in my xbox that couldn't read the disk properly, but then it played a different game just fine. But just to be sure, I hooked both of our xboxes up to the network and transfered the game from his HD (where it works) to my HD and tried to run it, and still no luck... Any clues? Are both my HD and DVD on their way out?
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    It's more likely you have different settings.. specifically game region default or auto.

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