I have surreal64 for my pc with some roms.... I have Surreal64 for the xbox.... is there a difference in the roms? (files) where is a good place to get Surreal64 roms for xbox? I've Googled around, but I get confused on what will work... do they make rom packs? (one file full of roms)
Yeah they do it's a torrent. Just google "326 Nintendo 64 Roms + Emulator From Satellite@Crime.UK" Once it's done you need to divide those roms up into 4 folders below 1 gig a piece and zip them. When they are zipped transfer them into the roms folder in surreal 64. Then unzip the folders using the file manager. It will unzip in the current directory (surreal64/roms) and you should be able to play them no problem while they are still zipped. If you do it this way you avoid the annoying xbox error not allowing file names with extra characters. Use surreal64 beta 5 Search for "emulators.rar C4RN1"