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Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by nebs657, Aug 9, 2008.

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  1. nebs657

    nebs657 Guest

    hi everyone dont know if im posting in the right place but i have just soft moded my xbox using sid.5 all had gone on fine but i want to put a elmulator on it and roms so i downloaded mameox_v84.b3 and made it into an iso image and burn it to a disk using img burn but when i put it in the xbox it just says data disks and freezes im totaly new to all this so your have to explaine like im five thanks for eading please get back to me thanks again nebs sorry for spelling
  2. ktothec13

    ktothec13 Member

    Mar 8, 2007
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    Hmm, well I've never tried using a disk to install emulators, you can ftp the emulator and roms into your xbox, it's prolly way easier and you don't waste disks.
  3. nebs657

    nebs657 Guest

    could u tell me how to do it m8 step by step im clueless what to do m8
  4. ktothec13

    ktothec13 Member

    Mar 8, 2007
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    Sure no problem...ok first you're gonna want to download an ftp program to your pc, i use FlashFXP just google it it's not hard to find...Ok so go ahead and hook your xbox into the router pc is hooked up to with an ethernet cable...next turn on your xbox and go to settings, go down to network and it should show your network settings, make sure your assignment is set to manual(static), then set your ip address to, netmask should be set at and default gateway should be set at that is set restart your xbox and open FlashFXP...When it opens hit F8, this will bring up a box called quick connect...in this box where it says Server or URL enter, make sure where it says port is set to 21, and where it says user name enter xbox and where it says password again enter xbox, then click connect...This will bring up all the files in your xbox on the right and all the files on your pc will already be shown on the left...Now just drag and drop your emulator into your emulators fold on E on the xbox harddrive and there should be a folder in the emulator you download called roms, just drag n drop you roms into the folder...oh and I don't think the emulators will boot if there in .iso form here's a website that has some emulators that aren't in .iso form http://worldofstuart.excellentcontent.com/xemus/xbox/xemus.htm
    That should be it, if you have anymore problems lemme know XD
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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