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How do I connect my case to my motherboard?

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by Faugs, Aug 21, 2008.

  1. Faugs

    Faugs Guest

    Hi, I recently purchased a Gigabyte GA-EP35-DS3L motherboard and it couldn't fit inside my old dell case so I was forced to buy a new case to accommodate it. I purchased a dinky case off ebay CLICK HERE TO SEE and I went to install everything today, but when it came to plugging in the case to the motherboard I faced some big problems. I tried to follow what it said on the motherboard to plug in the correct plugs, but when I finished and tried to turn it on... Nothing happened.

    Here are the pictures of the plugs and the motherboard and if anyone knows where they go and would like to help me out, I'd be very grateful. Also, do these plugs matter which way they're put it.. not like + to - but like can the be rotated or do they have to face a certain way?

    Thanks for any help!


    This first picture is 1 of 2 usb plugs.
    Pic 1: http://i33.tinypic.com/2195b48.jpg

    This second picture is the usb ports that I want to plug into, but I'm a little unsure how to plug them in.
    Pic 2: http://i33.tinypic.com/xfw9e.jpg

    This third picture is of the power plugs I guess.
    Pic 3: http://i33.tinypic.com/2cyn0xh.jpg

    This fourth picture is of the power port where I am even more unsure how to plug them in.
    Pic 4: http://i37.tinypic.com/2egfm8m.jpg

    This fifth picture is of the audio plugs.
    Pic 5: http://i35.tinypic.com/71p4ix.jpg

    The sixth picture is the audio port (REALLY DON'T KNOW AT ALL how to plug them in.)
    Pic 6: http://i38.tinypic.com/fk41hd.jpg

    The seventh picture is of the power plug from the side case fan which has two plugs (1 male, 1 female). Also there is a random plug from the case (1 male with 2 plugs instead of the usual 4) which I have no idea if the case plug should plug into the side case plug or if it should plug into the psu. It's a mess and there's no instructions.
    Pic 7: http://i37.tinypic.com/2dkfsyc.jpg

  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I'd go through this at length, but it's all in your motherboard manual. I'll give you the names:
    1. USB header
    2. USB header (yes, that's right)
    3. Front panel connectors, see manual
    4. Front panel connectors - they go in there, see manual for how
    5. Front audio connectors
    6. Front audio connectors
    7. Power plug - goes to the PSU.
  3. Faugs

    Faugs Guest

    thanks for the responce... I did find it in the manual and when I plugged everything in... Still nothing, it's most likely a dead case.
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Do you have them the right way round?
  5. Faugs

    Faugs Guest

    i think so, does the little arrow on the plug mean positive... I followed the manual and they're in the exact position

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