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downloaded Burnaware Free edition v1.3.1 "Corrupt files"!

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by burninmad, Aug 23, 2008.

  1. burninmad

    burninmad Member

    Dec 14, 2006
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    I attempted to download the Burnaware Free Edition v1.3.1 via Winzip per instructions and/or the "stable version"? I saved it to my Temporary folder per Windows XP Pro,Why?How? I do not know. Mow my Audio is BLANK and it says when I tried to open it "corrupt files"! Any A yoose Wizards can hep me "Hep Me"quote: Cleavon Little,BLAZING SADDLES!NEVER,EVER had abny problems like this until this download! Used PC had for 4 years Windows XP Pro Intel Pentuim III,etc. No Audio now,checked speakers ,etc. ,Hate to call my Niece or Nephew,Homeland Security experts.They always do the family troubleshooting,but never get their "Just Deserts"! Any Help would surely be appreciated.Also running Mcafee,And this is the ONE&ONLY problem I EVER encountered since I "Fired this Baby Up"! Tanks, now I'm "BurninMAD!!
  2. burninmad

    burninmad Member

    Dec 14, 2006
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    Can't locate Burnaware software.I got my soundcard to work though ,with a few "Tweaks"! Went into system/Device manager,one of volume controls was down all the way! Now Whodunnit?I tried to download the Burnaware but won't risk it again.Any suggestions on a "Free" CD burning software that won't "Corrupt Files" or otherwise:"Jump Inside My PC"?,AND turn the Volume down?

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