Hi guys, if I've put this thread in the wrong place don't kill me - I'm just at my wits end and you're my last hope! Basically as the thread title states I'm running a DM600 with minimum success at the minute. I have the dreambox control center and all that jazz the only problem I'm having now is the image, where in the name of Christ can I get the latest N*L image or at least the nagrroms?! Sorry again if it's the wrong place and thanks if you can help! Brian
there isnt many if any ready to go dm600 images kicking about, but then again maybe its not the nagra roms you need to be searching for, try a google search "satan key updater"
Try the PLI Jade image (do google on PLi to download the image) you will then need to install the necessary files.
Tried the jade image, seemed alright but only had one channel (UKTV Style), left it alone for a while and now it won't turn on anymore! SHITE!
Try looking for CLi-URdm600-AUfix.nfi- can't remember where I got it from, maybe Satkings site. Also, check http://digital-forums.com/showthread.php?t=341586 for some info on DM600 images. Don't know enough (yet) to be of more help- sorry. Dreambox is lovely but a bit more complicated to set up than Eurovox.