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Program malfunction started HDD wipe

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by ahiah9, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. ahiah9

    ahiah9 Regular member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    I was attempting to use Dariks Boot & Nuke to wipe a hard drive (F) that had been slaved to my main one (C). It didn't recognize the F drive, and I assume, due to a program glitch, started to wipe my main, C drive. I've used a different version of the program numerous times without a problem, so I don't think it was anything I did.

    Anyway... I need to get as much of my data back as possible. It is actually not my PC, it belongs to my brother in law. I've tried using EasyRecovery Professional, but I only got back a little over a gig of useless files (mostly Windows files). I lost this guys pictures of his son, quite a few songs and some Word & Excel files he needs for work. I've never had to recover data before so I don't even know if I'm using a good program or not. If anybody can help me out on a different program or different steps to take, I'd really appreciate it.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  3. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    I would try the free "photorec" it's an addon for testdisk. It was design to recover photos but can also recover other type of files.

    When you download it the program is in the "win" folder. No installation is required, when you doubleclick on the exe file it starts up. Also it's available in a livecd, so it can run from a cd.

  4. ahiah9

    ahiah9 Regular member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    As to what part of EasyRecovery Professional I used, I tried just about all parts but the only one I got anything from is the Advanced Recovery feature. I'm gonna try out TestDisk tomorrow & I'll post back.

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