Not sure of your saying dazza, what your saying is If the box is working FINE, You can get it working agian?....... well if its working fine, isn't it already working? maybe I'm missing something.
if you have a box that is working without problems and you are having problems flashing other digivox xl boxes.all you do is do a data transfer and a channel tranfer from the working box to the box that you are having problems trying to flash.this post should explain this a lot better.
if i wanted to cheer myself up i would have went to the circus.wait a minute kitikat you are a *bleep* clown
you better watch your language mate as mods do not like it and i was not putting you down but stating a fact if u do a transfer box to box wrong u will blank it thats all.
Calm down dazza theres no need for the hostility nor is their any need for the personal attacks, now that you have clarified what your thread is about sit back and I wish you the best of luck with the amount of members who will use it
Cacikid, could you please help me, i have bought a digivox xl, i installed the stations, i then went to system information i keyed in 1004 / 1668 to access the EMU key They page would not open ????? i am LOST Please advise if you can. Kind Regards, Robarto12
first of all was the box flashed to check -menu-system info -ok vers??? u should have if flashed vers 1,220 if not u have a freeview box no access to emu.