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eurovox ex5000pvr problem

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by bozza21, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. bozza21

    bozza21 Member

    Sep 14, 2008
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    just bought eurovox ex5000 pvr and downloaded software but when i try to download to box computer wont recive a signal from the box. can anyone help
  2. HiTeck

    HiTeck Regular member

    Apr 12, 2008
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    Thanks to celtic71 for this post.

    Problems with your PC/Laptop not recognising your eurovox.

    To see which port your USB adapter is connected to, connect your USB adapter and follow the following instructions:

    1. Go to the Start Menu
    2. Right click on "My Computer"
    3. Select "Properties"
    4. Click on the "Hardware" tab
    5. Click on "Device Manager"
    6. Click the + sign next to "Ports (COM & LPT)"
    7. One of the listed ports should indicate which port your USB adapter is connected to (e.g. COM1, COM2, COM3, etc.)
    8. Go back to your map software program that you use to transfer data and make sure it is looking at the correct port.
    9. You should be able to transfer data once the correct port is selected

    If you need drivers go here


    Follow my advice to step 7. Locate your USB Adapter (port *)

    Right click on that port and select properties. Then select port settings, then select advanced. At the bottom of that tab will be a drop down box with the port selected (port * in your case). Use the drop down to select another port (eg 1, 2 or 3). If the port you want to use is already allocated to something else, you can use the same procedure to reassign that port after you have finished.
    Save the selections in the usual way. The USB converter will be permanently assigned to the port you select.

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