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Graphics card for blu ray burning and hd output

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by j1mgg, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. j1mgg

    j1mgg Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Hi Guys. I have recently had my pc replaced through warranty and the graphics card that comes with it is very basic and done a search on this forum and only bad things were said.

    the pc(i know it aint a flying machine)
    AMDx2 4800+
    2gb ram
    320gb hdd
    NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE graphics card
    dvdrw rom

    Basically what i want to use it for is backing up blu ray discs and also use it for watching them on my hdtv.

    I may get 2gb more of ram and am looking to get a blu ray burner but the only thing i need to know is what type of card should i be getting as i am totally lost at this part.
    I only want to spend £50-60 and was looking at this


    but someone said about a 8800 or 4850 but these seem a bit pricey.

    Help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
    (sorry if this should be in the build section)
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    If you're a gamer, you will want something as good as the HD4850, but that will cause a problem for a prebuilt PC as the power supply won't be capable enough. A basic card like an 8600GT will do fine though, and will certainly be far better than the 6150SE.

    Also, that card is overpriced, you shouldn't be paying more than £30 for an 8400GS, they're rubbish and the only sell for that much in proper stores...
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2008

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