Hi all nice to be here this is my first post. Will be getting the Eurovox EX5000 PVR with the hard drive next week.This site looks like the place i will need for any setting up problems i have. Got Virgin broadband now but upgrading to their cable and phone so i can use the box. Going to ask them for a couple of extra cables for the bedroom and conservatory so i can watch the footie and the other half can watch corrie( how Sad). Is this a agood idea getting the extra cables will picture quality drop and can i watch different programmes or do i need something else to allow me to do this.Likes like the man to answer this is the Scouser so from one scouser to another hope you can sort out any probs i have.
As you say looks like all the help is here So have a good look around there are plenty of useful posts in relation to your queries, by all members. The guide is here