Please tell us exactly what you are doing (programs) and disc brand, + or -R, burn speed, and burners. The more info you can give us , the more able we can be of assistance. Also the name of the dvd you are backing up is most helpful
What drive is showing those issues? Stand Alone player or are you watching them on the PC? Test that backup on other players and see how they look on them. Also list the programs you use to make a backup.
i dl movies from grabold i use dvd flick to convert them over then i use dvd fab plantium to burn it i can't find in dvd fab how to change the speed of the burn and when it starts clitching is when i playing in a dvd player not a pc
use better media like Taiyo Yuden,Verbatim or Sony Burning at 6x to 8x MAX!! that should solve your problem.