I've tried twice to burn an ISO to a Verbatim DVDR+ using Imgburn. Both times it stops about 10% in, with an I/O error and a message that the semaphore time has expired. When I try 'Retry' I get a message that the device or source is no longer available. To check that my Freecom external burner isn't totally crocked, I've just successfully burned a CD data disk on it. Does anyone know if my DVD problem is with the ISO file I was using, or the burner? Basically I'd appreciate any info about this, as I don't want to make any more coasters. Thanks in advance.
Thanks for your reply,ferguj1. Fingers crossed, I seem to have sorted this problem out myself. The 'semaphore time-out' message signals a lack of communication between the computer and the device, and seems to crop up a lot when using external DVD burners--it usually seems to be a problem with the USB connection. What I did was very simple. I did a System Restore to a couple of days ago when the burner was performing without problems, and as my laptop has several USB ports I tried plugging the external DVD burner into a different one. That seems to have done the trick as I've just burned the ISO to another Verbatim DVD+ successfully.
Good job getting it lined out. I came across similar information regarding communication between the device and computer today but had not had the opportunity to post back. Let us know if you have any future problems....Hope Not