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Some advice on Power Supply?

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by d4nnyboy, Sep 29, 2008.

  1. d4nnyboy

    d4nnyboy Member

    Aug 16, 2006
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    Hi all :)

    Basically I have got my eye on a new graphics card and the system requirments for it say I need a 350watt minimum power supply.

    My question is how can I tell what watts my pc power supply is?
    For all I know I may already have a power supply of 350watts powering my pc, but I would like to check if im going to buy this new card.
    I have read that under powering the graphics card can damage it.

    Any Advice will be apprieciated.
  2. LDee

    LDee Regular member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Open your pc and look at the power supply, it should say the wattage on it. If you're not sure what the power supply looks like, it's a box usually with a fan or 2 inside it mounted in the corner of your pc with lots of power cables coming out of it going into your motherboard and drives in your pc, oh and on the other side of it the power cable will be going in from your plug socket.

    There is a stick on it that will say the wattage, sometimes the power supply is mounted in such a way that the sticker is not viewable so you have to remove it by uncrewing usually 4 srews then turn it around to read the label.
  3. 1bonehead

    1bonehead Guest

    Once you find out what you have, then google it. Many power supplies are rated short term max and not continuous. Googling may help you find the answer
  4. d4nnyboy

    d4nnyboy Member

    Aug 16, 2006
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    thanks alot guys, that advice sounds pritty logical, dont know why i didn't think of doin that,
    I thought maybe theres software that could tell you, i tried everest but it doesn't give me what i wanted...

    well its 330watts so i need a new power supply :)

    Thanks for the help
  5. 1bonehead

    1bonehead Guest

    You are very welcome

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