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Power LED turns Orange as soon as I press it

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by asrgames, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. asrgames

    asrgames Regular member

    Oct 28, 2004
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    I've read other topics saying it could be the PSU the MOBO or the CPU, but I'm not sure, it doesn't get any post beeps, nothing on the monitor.

    The HDD and DVD-ROM gets power and it opens and closes, ALL the fans work and I even tried unplugging the CPU power cable, still as soon as I press the power button it's an orange light, any ideas?
  2. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    well one convent possibility might be that your wall outlet is shot
    try another one?

    technically if the CPU is shot you'd get the same kind of read from your computer (or if you put the wrong type of cpu in), but cpu's don't just up and die on you.... what kind of computer is this? (model number, vendor and such? if its custom built list the type of mobo, psu, cpu and anything else thats relevant)

    run the psu without the motherboard and see how that checks out

    (depending on the type of PSU you have you might have to stick the wire into two different pins then indicated in the guide, remember not to use a naked wire or a solder wire, you will get electrocuted)

    now just because the PSU works alone doesn't mean its it's all dandy

    this will require a multimeter, and don't worry their not difficult to operate, i do suggest you buy one of the nicer ones with a analog display and not digital, you might learn something wityh the analog one:D
    (try and look up your PSU's documentation, it might have a section on this as well)

    above all try another PSU in your computer.... and if the problem persists then you can most direct your problem at your motherboard (although your cpu might be dead that not to likely epically if its an OEM computer)

    follow this for motherboard testing
    (try and look up your computer documentation, or your motherboards)

    btw dont rule out dust, get one of those air cans and blow it clean

    there is a possibly that it's the ram also, if you turned on your computer with the ram removed you'd get no display and probably an orange light (depending on your computer of course), however if your ram was failing you'd most likely get post beeps....it doesn't hurt to try thought..... blow the DIMM/SIMM slots clear with one of those air cans and if possible test each stick of ram separately:)

    good luck mate
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2008
  3. asrgames

    asrgames Regular member

    Oct 28, 2004
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    It's a crappy Gateway computer I've had for years (about 10 years to be exact), it's a Pentium 4 2.0 GHZ, with RAMBUS (RD-RAM) 1.5 GB.

    I removed the power plug for the CPU to see if that's what it was, but it still doesn't work, as for the PSU, it's a 350W,(Not sure what brand, as it doesn't say anywhere on it) I've also had trouble with it before, like the PC shuting off randomly because the PSU was getting to hot, it would get an orange light when it did this just like now, except now it doesn't even come on, and I fixed it by putting a bigger fan in the PSU.

    Also I checked the MOBO for leaking capacitors and any damage, but couldn't see anything unless it was on the other side, but for some reason the case is almost impossible to open from that side with out taking the MOBO out.

    So I thought maybe it was a the PSU, but I've no way to replace it with another one, don't own one, and don't know anyone that has one.
  4. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    yeah you've put your finger on it that psu is cooked !

    go to the dump....i find (atx) psu's there all the time, of course some don't work but most actually do....

    (people strip down their computers and through them away, but they leave the psu's their!!:D!)

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