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Hp Laptops temps

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by yimmmy, Oct 18, 2008.

  1. yimmmy

    yimmmy Regular member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    Ive had my laptop for a while now, its getting to end of its life cycle, i am just wondering what the average temps for an amd atholon x2 is?
    mine is running at 52c between idle and full at idle it hovers from 41-46 at full it can reach 57c,
    the fan is also roaring so the temps must be high,

    Laptop is a Compaq Nx6325
    im not really doing much on it either mostly photoshop some wow thats about it.
  2. onya

    onya Guest

    Your temps aren't exessive, but why not put it in for a service? If you have the know how..open up that (sealed unit) laptop and give it a good clean out.

    Photoshop really won't take your laptop to dizzying heights by it's self unless your ram is very low. Prices have fallen and you may find that the ram that suits your machine could be quite affordable. Go for the max ram that your system will allow. You can even do it yourself.

    I got this from a quick net search....


    Let's be honest here.. the HDD is kinda small and the ram is kinda low. The good news is that this might still be fixable. Do a little leg work and see how you go.

  3. yimmmy

    yimmmy Regular member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    Those specs are pretty close to what i have , i have one gig of ram in it and the gfx has 256 instead of the 128 there, i did a little CPU update and the temps seem to be lower now and more steady
  4. onya

    onya Guest

    Good to know that your temps are lower...at least the bitz and pieces of your rig will last longer. :)

    Do you mean you may have taken the overclock back a little??

    You'll still do a clean out wont you?
    We can't let you do anything less.... LOL


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