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Low performance with Gigabyte 9800GT

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by silooz, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. silooz

    silooz Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Ok, so I bought this card yesterday and after installing it and a PSU of Chieftec 550W I am experiencing problems while playing games.
    After few minutes of gameplay the screen freezes and I can still hear
    the sound in the backgroud.After that I tried playing again and few minutes later the screen freezed again.
    I am not sure whether the problem is with the video card or PSU...

    By the way the game was Far Cry 2 under settings:
    res: 1024X1280 also tried 1024X768
    At first with AA the second try without AA(Anti Aliasing)
    And all other settings were on very high.
    Even in Devil may Cry 4 I got 75 FPS most of the time
    and the game test conclusion was that there were low performance experiences dutring the test but it will not affect playing that game.

    AMD Athlon +3800 Dual Core
    Kingstone 512MB X2 Dual channel (total 1GB)
    PSU Chieftec 550W
    Gigabyte 9800GT 512MB GDDR3
    HD WD250GB
    HD Segeate 500GB
    Asus DVDRWX18

    Any help would be appreciated!!!
    Thank you.
  2. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    My advice is if your computer has a onboard audio card, see if you have a PCI audio card you can install. Maybe your onboard audio card is putting too much load on your cpu.

    A while back I had a problem where when watching tv (tv tuner card) on my computer, every 20 minutes the computer would freeze for no reason but the sound would keep working. I never found what the problem was. Eventually for a different problem (computer using 100 percent cpu all the time with no programs running) I disable the onboard sound and installed a cheap $20.00 soundcard and all the problems with the computer freezing and high cpu usage went away.

    You can try other things first, but make a note of the audio card maybe being a possible culprit if nothing else fixes it.
  3. BoxyBrown

    BoxyBrown Member

    Oct 24, 2008
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    I would definitely say that you should make sure all your drivers are up to date. Also try some different settings on your games to see if maybe some of your other components are holding back your gaming performance. I would even check to make sure your PSU is enough to power your GFX card even though it sounds like it is more than enough.
  4. Icanbe

    Icanbe Guest

    I would lean toward your PSU being the problem, That is a low end PSU.
    I would be suprised if that PSU even puts out 350-360watts.

    Look into a good OCZ or Antec PSU.

  5. silooz

    silooz Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    I think you are right.
    check this out, I have another computer with a very high end specs.
    So I took out my vid card and connected it to that computer and also I installed Far Cry2.
    I have been playing Far Cry2 and the performacne was outstanding without any kind of crashing and for hours in order to be sure.
    so now I am pretty sure that my vid card is fine.

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