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what is the best internal dvd burner to buy

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by dvdman101, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. dvdman101

    dvdman101 Regular member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    hi ,

    i am need of a new dvd burner for my computer and i was just wondering what would be the best one to get , i have used lite on in the past and i was just wondering if they were still the one to get . also i have one more question , should a person do the rip and burn all from one burner or is it better to have 2 and read from one and burn from the other . i have alway's used my dvd-rom for ripping and my burner for burning and my computer laid down on me and i have to get another and i didn't know if doing everything from one drive would hurt quality wise . thanks
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Totally subjective question.. I would go with pioneer.. see less threads about problems with them than any other. I use samsung and nec.. so that's about as unbiased as you can get.
  3. ferguj1

    ferguj1 Active member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I have 2 Lite-Ons and a new Plextor (which is actually something else rebadged but I can't keep up), anyway I have no complaints about any of them. So as varnull said, it is very subjective. Look around and find some you like, then do a search on them and read what others have to say. This site, as well as CD Freaks, are two good place to start.
  4. varnull

    varnull Guest

    That's how subjective it is.. A computer comes through my refurb and resell process with lite-on drives... they hit the car boot sale and nec or samsung or pioneer (whichever are cheapest and available at the time) are fitted. I have had some horrible experiences with lite-on ($hite-on we call them at the local pc shop) drives and media compatibilities.. as well as ide problems.

    Next to philips they are a brand I won't even have for free.. see a lot of them oem branded with naff firmware as HL-ST-DT (HL.. hitachi-lite-on QC failures) which says it all really.. :) .. I was being nice about them by not mentioning them in my first post.. In my books they are clearly marked "substandard manufacture -- avoid"

    Trade price on the HL-xxx drives is £35 per 100 new.

    That's probably harsh.. but Y'know.. once you have had more than 20 bad experiences with a particular brand it's hard to say anything good about them.. I couldn't keep quiet because my conscience was shouting at me to say something about them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2008

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