i noticed a post by someone that said if u scan at 7 , 8, 9, 10 oclock it is possible to pick up ppv channels if someone else has ordered them and they show up as tv chaneell ?? well i gave it a go and it does work it showed up a ppv channel on tv channel 3 only thing was it went off soon after and gave the message insert smart catd then after a while it said the code was updating so i waited but nothing. now the other thing i noticed was that during the scan it picked up tc channels from 12 to 18 whilst scanning but they didnt show up after the scan anyone like to comment
anyone want to help me out here i just want to know how to pick up ppv channels and why the tc channels from 12 to 18 dont show up after the scan
VOD services are dependent on those who get them in your neighbourhood. So if it ceases for them so does it for you.