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dual booting

Discussion in 'Linux - General discussion' started by 1333t, Nov 1, 2008.

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  1. 1333t

    1333t Member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    im trying to install Linux on my school computers since they have so much anti virus shit etc.. it takes 5 five minutes to log on
    i can't run dsl (damm small Linux)inside of windows since computers are too slow i even tried version 1.3 still to slow ran puppy Linux on a live dvd it ran well partitioned the hard drive and installed but when rebooted it doesn't give me a option to choose Linux why

    computer specs dell gx150 series
    integrated graphics cards
    10 gb hard drives

    so a original xbox but computer lol using 2001 technology in 2008
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    ** post removed **
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2008
  3. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    Are you trying to install on a computer at school or one you own? Sysadmins don't like people messing with their computers... And school principals don't know much about IT, so if it sounds bad they tend to react bad... Probably not such a great idea if that is the case, varnull has plenty of BOFH quotes that probably apply ;)
  4. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Yeah.. mess with my systems and get expelled... after being made to pay for my time in putting the damage to rights ;) That's on a good day.. get me before at least 4 brews and a few levels of Heretic and the consequences will be dire indeed.

    **rest of post removed**
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2008
  5. 1333t

    1333t Member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    that is why i'm doing dual boot so if anything it looks like windows if i want it. and if anything i will format the partition that has Linux and get rid of the partition
    they will not know it was me because i wouldn't need to log on therefore i stay unknown.if anything they desire it putting so much shit on the computers there is lag when starcraft is played and it's requirements is 90 mhz CPU
    if i could i want to make a live cd when i setup Linux on the computers
    that runs starcraft which means wine and visual basic / others once need therefore no install required but need setup computer
    or usb but gx150 doesn'y support usb booting so live cd and save all on usb stick only way
  6. varnull

    varnull Guest

    It will be noticed that the partition table and mbr has been changed.

    Not your machine... sys-admins don't help people cause willful damage and unauthorised installations on systems belonging to others.. help ends.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2008
  7. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    The sysadmin WLL notice IP addresses registering/releasing much more frequently than others and WILL investigate, and will be waiting to pounce the minute he sees it happen when he catches on. They tend to have a real sadomasochistic streak, they won't rest until they solve what is causing the reboots, and will take great pleasure in seeing you bent over once they find you. It just isn't worth the risk, I was lucky enough to talk myself out of the shit I got into back in high school, but I had plenty of other friends get in a lot of shit over a lot less than I did. If you need more power get a cheap laptop, or if you can't afford one, get a job. Something decent only costs a few days worth of pay, even on burger flipping wages.
  8. varnull

    varnull Guest

    I wasn't going to say HOW it will come to the attention of the admin ;)
  9. 1333t

    1333t Member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    can't we re not aloud to plug any outside machine to the network
    and i can get away with it since sysadmins are fa away and they will think it's the hardware class or teacher since we have machines that we play around with and out of the 3 years i been in that school ive seen one it guy but i would like to do the live cd thing so i don't need to install anything to the computers and roam freely
    they are currently trying to replace the computers that i'm using and will be give to me through class or teacher when i do hardware lastly i need i vacation
  10. OzMick

    OzMick Guest

    you need you to learn how use you the shift button and punctuation you arent going to get you any help from anyone here or any sympathy so just give up and put you ability to good use somewhere else
  11. 1333t

    1333t Member

    Sep 23, 2005
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    I can't we're not aloud to plug any outside machine to the network.
    I can get away with it since sysadmins are far away and they will think it's the hardware class or teacher since we have machines that we play around with. Out of the 3 years i been in that school i've seen one IT guy . I would like to do the live cd with all programs installed a usb stick. so i don't need to install anything to the computers .
    roam freely between computers.
    They are currently trying to replace the computers that I'm using there a stacks of old computers that is for hardware class . which will be give to me through class taking hardware later or teacher since they have so many .i taking hardware later with the head it teacher,the head IT teacher would freely give me a old computer since they have no place to put it lastly.if i get caught i need i vacation
    (better or worse ?)
  12. 1333t

    1333t Member

    Sep 23, 2005
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  13. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Here's an idea - concentrate on your school work and stop wasting time trying to 'roam freely' on other peoples' machines..
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