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My Laptop is OVERHEATING... many things tried...

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by rhan08, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. rhan08

    rhan08 Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    SO I have a Toshiba M45-S359 laptop that I have had for over 2 years now... short time a go I starting having problems.... it would not load right, it started freezing.. and so on.. I fixed all of the problems, Now the computer won't load xp and started freezing agian so I take it in to my university IT place and they say that the HDD is dead....(funny thing is they were wrong and cost me $60 for new HDD) I order a new HDD the same problem... I then noticed the my computer is running way to hot.. I opened the computer up and cleaned the hell out out it.. there was a lot of dust in the laptop.. I also noticed that the cup thermal paste was all broken up so now I replaced it with new Arctic silver 5 and also replace my video card's (it is Integrated on my motherboard) thermal paste as well it was in the same condition. the computer started right up and worked for like an hour or so and the computer is running cooler than before.. all the chips are clean, free of dust, new arctic silver 5 paste and sill the computer over heats and hangs!!!!...... I DON"T KNOW WHY!!!!! can anyone help me with this... I bought a cooling pad thing and this keeps the computer running fine but I don't like the big cooling thing... I can't use it on my lap... or take it around... So can anyone help me.. I was thinking about buying a new mother board... will it take care of the problem...
  2. elliott

    elliott Regular member

    Jan 21, 2004
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    I simply did a google search of your model found some links regarding the batter causing over heating. You should consult with toshiba as well, You are braver than me having opened up your system I work on desktops regularly but just hate dealing with laptops personally my eyes and hands are not what they used to be. I wonder if your fans are working properly you may even have a bios update the related to your issue. I recently worked on an HP that was over heating and first thing I did was google the issue found that Hp had posted a bios update downloaded and installed bang it was done the fans worked properly and no more overheating not one screw removed not one service call which luckily for this customer had it been needed was still under warranty. I know one thing when any repair costs more than half the cost of a replacement I always go for replacing the item as usually the technology has already advanced and often is cheaper especially laptops. I really like Toshiba, HP, and Acer laptops and have had very happy customers and only minor repairs need to them when they come my way but don't get me started on Dell and Sony.
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    are all the fans working?
  4. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Could be a dodgy fan, you can probably replace the fan quite easily, as long as you buy one the same size and type.
  5. rhan08

    rhan08 Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    sorry for late reply so the external fan cooling worked for like a day and the computer problem started again.
    I felt fan area to see how hot it was but honestly it is not that hot.. I am now thinking that is my motherboard that is failing.. what do you guys think..
    The reason I think it is my motherboard is dying is because my battery cricket is messed up. It charges the battery, it runs on battery my doesn't tell me how much power is left and the light keeps blinking.. even the battery is fully charged. My fan's speed is relatively slow. I remember it use to get very fast. So i am thinking that the motherboard is somehow damaged?? or cpu.. I don't think it is cpu because windows loads just fine.. and after it loads to freezes.. if the cpu was out would the computer even start?? again i could be wrong... by the way there is a great website for laptop repairs.. (this laptop) http://www.irisvista.com/tech/laptops/ToshibaM45/Satellite_M45_disassembly_1.htm
    They mave it for many other laptops.

    - I currently placed a order for a new MOBO I hope it works..

    please let me know what you guys think..

    -Thank for all the help... I really appreciate it
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2008
  6. rhan08

    rhan08 Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    change in plan... So I ordered a MOBO and they told me the price is $130 for a exchange.. now they call me and tell me that Toshiba doesn't do exchange anymore and it will cost me $260!!!!! what have they gone crazy.... any ways I canceled the order... what do you guys think it is worth spending the money or just add some money and get a new one...

    Another thing is that my computer works fine in safemode.

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2008
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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  8. Bobacat

    Bobacat Guest

    Hi hope im in the right place...first off my Toshiba A110 laptop was over heating..I googled around and was informed to clean the fan ..I opened it up ..and the ribbon cables sprang loose. so I cleaned the fan which was absolutley covered in thick dust and gunge replaced it no problem, eventually got the cables back in place..now when I switch on Windows boots in but thats it, when I place the cursor over something and click ...nothing...Any help would be nice
  9. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Might want to check if the cable for your touchpad and buttons is in the right place.
  10. Bobacat

    Bobacat Guest

    Thanks ive just checked them, they can only go into certain connections,it looked straightforward enough,new problem for me, seems one of the cable ends is damaged some of the silver connection strips are missing and the tiny push clips are broken that hold the ribbons in place,,do you know if this is a repairable job or is it a disaster...fingers crossed
  11. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I don't know anything about repairing laptops. You can search around and see if you can find a replacement part - hopefully it's an easy attachment, or you're a dab hand with a soldering iron...
  12. Bobacat

    Bobacat Guest

    Thanks for the reply, I will maybe try to get a number of the cable(s) and see if they can be bought,failing that I will try a specialist laptop repair centre and see what the damage is and then weigh up my options price wise...once again THANKS

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