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Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by DrGanja, Nov 8, 2008.

  1. DrGanja

    DrGanja Guest

    hi all . im workin on a friends v1.2 xbox . he has an x3ce chip pinheader install . stock hd . he flashed his eeprom somehow with flashbios 3.03 unauthorized . well i found this http://www.llamma.com/xbox/Repairs/eeprom_fix.htm . its about fixing your eeprom . i have the eeprom.bin and cromwell-patched.bin and the patcher program and when i bring up the patcher program it comes up for a split second and is gone it does nothing with the bios . i have reflashed the bios to the chip several times after trying to patch the bios . do i need to do this on an older pc ? help me out guys . thanks .
  2. DrGanja

    DrGanja Guest

    i have a v1.6 with an x2.6ce in it and i do have configmagic 1.6 final on it . is there anyway i could hotswap the hd from the v1.2 to the v1.6 ? to update the eeprom so the v1.2 hd will work in its xbox again ? im asking this before i try it . thanks .
  3. DrGanja

    DrGanja Guest

    Can anyone please help me ?
  4. varnull

    varnull Guest

    no he didn't.. he trashed his eeprom with config magic like so many n00bs do.

    now a little FYI.. the eeprom is a little 8 legged chip on the mobo.. it contains some strange stuff including the hdd locking code.

    The trashed one.. well you will have to get a VALID xbox eeprom file and reflash the actual chip (not the xecuter or anything else.. the eeprom on the mobo) with the new valid eeprom image.. then the chip will be able to lock the hdd to that image.

    How do you propose using the 1.6 eeprom data to lock to the different eeprom image in the 1.2?.. please.. there is a big well written guide about all things eeprom.. read it carefully.. because it's very clear about exactly what you need to do.
  5. DrGanja

    DrGanja Guest

    ok i didnt know if i could or not thats why i was asking . i have all the backup info needed . i will look around and find the tutorial you are refering to .
  6. varnull

    varnull Guest

  7. DrGanja

    DrGanja Guest

  8. DrGanja

    DrGanja Guest

    being that i have the correct eeprom.bin can i just bypass the part about using the eeprom reader and go straight to xboxhdm ? i havent had a bit of luck getting my pc to read the linux cd . it always comes back with linux cd not found please insert and try again . or when i try to unlock or lock the hd i get password not found halting ! . i have no clue here . i am at your mercy . this guy is ridin me to fix it . help me please .
  9. varnull

    varnull Guest

    yes.. there is all the info you need about eeprom manipulation in that guide.
  10. DrGanja

    DrGanja Guest

    ok . ive been doin the reading and now im working on it . the xboxhdm v19 is working correctly . i unlocked it then rebooted the pc then locked the hd . it said lock enabled . i then put it back in the xbox and fired it up and i still cant get anywhere . i get error 6 with my x3 3294 bios . i still get error 16 with my m8 plus bios . i tried loading a game or my slayers disc and it wont . any suggestions ?
  11. DrGanja

    DrGanja Guest

    ok well i guess i give up . its toast i suppose . i rebuilt c drive , locked it and same same . so its my opinion that nothing i do will work because i need to reflash the eeprom on the motherboard . and i have no clue on that . however , i have a V1.0 with a dead hd, is there any way i can install the x3 ce in it and put the stock hd from the 1.2 with the hosed eeprom and use the x3ce to lock the hd to the v1.0 m/b ? and it will work ? any comments would be handy . i appreciate all the help .
  12. DrGanja

    DrGanja Guest

    yes it can be done . know why ? cuz i did it . i took the hd out of the v1.2 xbox with fried eeprom and put it in a good xbox with a bad hd . installed the x3ce chip . it works . btw i hooked the hd up to my pc and unlocked it with xboxhdm first then put it in the xbox , then locked it with the x3ce . easy . painless . i hope this helps somebody .

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