This is a question I've had for a while about wows performance. I've heard two sides of how to up your frame rate in world of war.(besides turning everything on low, hardware wise.) One being that wow dosnt rely on your graphics card (being integrated or not) in your pc but on your cpu and how powerful that is Two being that if you max your ram out you will see a drastic improvement in your fps. I do understand that you cant have a p3 with a 32mb integrated system board and expect to have 45fps. My question is what is the best way to improve your/my wow performance hardware wise? *Edit* system specs Hp compaq nx6325 1gig ram Intergrated ati x series 256 hyper mem 160 gig hdd Amd Turion64 x2 (my wow box.... lol)
Video card will make a big diffrence if your useing xp if you use vista min have 2 gigs video card then ram would improve your performance in that order.. proble is you probly will need an agp card then you upgrade that then you cant take it with you if you get a new computer ect...
it's a laptop. you can't change graphics cards in most of them. only thing you can do is up it to 2gigs.