Hey guys i have a Gateway 550gr and i am getting this illegal disc opperation when im trying to download .zip and iso files as well as .exe and .txt. I have updated the driver to 2.0t but get the same prompt from multiple programs. I am currently using Memorex 16x 4.7 GB DVD-R. Here is what i am getting:
Take the burn speed down from max to like 4x for this drive. It's a bit older so even with the latest firmware it may still not handle a lot of 16x media. That's usually the reason for illegal disc error - firmware doesn't support the media. The memorex you have are made by Ritek - not bad - so if reducing the speed doesn't help try and find some 8x media like Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden.
thanks for your help! I tried reducing the speed but i still get the same error. Do you really think i need to go to 8x media Verbatim? Ive been trying everything even as low as 1x. Still nothing
That or try 16x Verbs - usually drives firmware works better with the different flavors of Verbatim. The illegal disc means that the media you are currently using isn't liked by your burner. With it being an older drive personally I'd just pick up a new one. They support much more media. Newegg.com has good one between $25-35 bucks - about the same amt. as a 100 pack of blank dvds.