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Web Browser problem: Pages will not load

Discussion in 'Windows - Software discussion' started by dmfighter, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. dmfighter

    dmfighter Member

    Apr 6, 2008
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    This just started a few days ago. I have Mozilla FireFox, Internet explorer 7, and downloaded google chrome today. On all three web browsers, certain pages will not load. Say I'm on yahoo.com and want to go to veoh.com. I type in the address and press enter. The borders indicate that I'm on the site but the page never changes, it stays on yahoo.com. I use Bellsouth fastaccess dsl, my omputer is a dell computer. Only certain sites, or perts of sites, i am unable to get into, suh as www.veoh.om and "My Ebay" on ebay.com. I tried proxies and one"secure-tunnel, lets me check ebay but not watch videos on veoh. PLease, is there any way i can fix this, or is there a proxy that i can watch veoh on?
  2. jmsjhon

    jmsjhon Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    It sounds like your internet browsers are giving you a hard time. Check your internet options in tools after loading one of the browsers. Look in security or privacy. If that doesnt help the other thing that would stop you is a virus or spyware program. See what you have on your computer and try stoping it from running before u go onto the site. Cheack ur firewall settings as well. I know alot of virus/spyware programs will interfere with the browser due to there protection settings. I hope this helps, Let me know if u figured it out ok. = )

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