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Disk Boot Failure, Insert System Disk And Press Enter

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by SlToOfSw, Dec 10, 2008.

  1. SlToOfSw

    SlToOfSw Member

    May 11, 2008
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    Title Says All.

    My Windows ME PC has recently gotten this message during boot up.
    Before this it was quite okay I suppose. My PC did run into this problem
    a couple of times, 2 or 3. But that usually happens when I use the "emergency off" method.This time, it wasn't because of that method.
    I tried restarting the system, Fail. I plugged all USB devices out before booting, Fail. I see the order, CD, Floppy, HDD, Fail.
    A lot of my precious junk over the years has accumulated in that PC. I do not want any of it to be gone.

    It's driving me crazy. Any help ? Thanks in advance .
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    does the bios see the hard drive? do you have a spare hard drive or can borrow 1?
  3. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    this is a simple case of "system file corruption", nothing major to worry about.

    To fix you need to run a chkdsk c: /f on your hard drive. You can use your windows installation cd to get at the command line. My prefered method is to make a bartpe and use that to boot the computer, from there you can use the command line to do a chkdsk or even use other tools to run a scandisk. This will almost always work in making your computer bootable again, it has never failed me.

    This problem is always caused by improper shutdown of windows. Everytime you do an improper shutdown won't result in this problem but if you do numerous of them eventually you will get this problem. If the chkdsk or scandisk won't fix it, all your data is still recoverable (even if the hard drive reads unallocated/raw) just a few corrupt files will make it look like the hard drive is bad, but all the data is still there.

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